HUP.LIFE New ideas for NFT

Nathanial Keegan
4 min readMay 26, 2021



Following the development of Blockchain technology is the birth of a series of new concepts. On the one hand it shows the development storm of this technology in practice. Other face, it is ask the company must be fostered self-learning ability to better apply new concepts. One of those new concepts is the Non-Fungible Token, or NFT for short. NFT tokens are used a lot in the field of art (NFT Art). For example, the NFT picture. Say, you create a digital painting, that painting can be registered with the NFT on the blockchain, as well as its ownership and identification or unique code history. $HUP is such a token however it possesses advantages that other projects do not have, developed by HUP.LIFE.

The Age of Non-Mold Tokens

Different from the previous world system, Millennials and Z generations are far more comfortable within the collection of technical works. The NFT gives the owner the proper to have the work, also because the right to repeat it, a bit like the particular works of art. Limited, anyone can purchase a Monet print, but just one person owns the first .. We aren’t just a fashionista and NFT will grow stronger year by year. Digital artists can now publish their work by uploading and selling their unique artwork. The trick is that the work sells during a way that behaves like an infallible chain operator. HUP.MARKET is not just another platform from the NFT — it’ll instead raise the bar for society and grant more vetting rights to the services of professional artists. NFT has opened many new opportunities for artists to figure and sell their work. And HUP.LIFE wants to form it easier for digital artists to manage transactions.

With a regulatory compliance model, art and collectors are going to be ready to receive the complete capacity of their $HUP cryptographic token set. No same as other NFT field, HUP. MARKET doesn’t mindlessly prioritize sales. In fact, the last item the platform wants is to suppress or eliminate an artist’s NFT potential. It’s long overdue for artists to freely cast and sell their artwork. While other NFT marketplaces offer the power to sell works by artists and collectors, HUP.LIFE may be a more comprehensive, secure, flexible, decentralized, dedicated and professional approach. more for artists to sell and cast their work.

$HUP — To the moon

Not only does $HUP have a new split card structure that aims to achieve its ambitious goal of launching the program when it comes to being purely on financial backend with zero external accounts or fundraising Traditionally, HUP.LIFE also offers transparency to their community that is unmatched in blockchain projects. In addition to our charity wallet, the member community can also view each wallet’s transaction out of nine possible examples of team management, namely:
✅ Initial liquidity for PancakeSwap (25%)
✅ R&D / Tech (15%)
✅ Marketing / Administration / Others (15%)
✅ NFT Validator (10%)
✅ Airdrop & bonus (10%)
✅ Leadership & Mentoring (10%)
✅ Legal fees (5%)
✅ Account bar for other DEX & the key for the background platform (5%)
✅ 1:1 Capybara Art NFT for early registrants (5%)

Once launched, $HUP intends to issue to PancakeSwap an even distribution of liquidity each week for six consecutive weeks. Once officially launched, $HUP will disburse its liquidity to public liquidity platforms. One of the highlights of the $HUP token is its anti-whale token dump mechanism. That means wallets with a total supply of 0.25% with burned tokens can sell their total holdings in just 24 hours and more than 10% per day when this threshold is reduced. The focus of attention with $ HUP is neither day trading nor speculation in the market . The founder always appreciates the value brought to the community, does not accept any form of non-transparent buying and selling of $HUP even though it may help him become rich.

2% per transaction

Blockchain technology puts power back in the hands of individuals, democratizing decision-making and bringing together diverse perspectives from around the world — no matter how much money an individual has in their pocket their . HUP.LIFE is doing something special by combining a sense of society with a level of transparency and openness never seen before in the world of blockchain based token projects and has teams outside other like HUP.LIFE wants to prove to the future project participants how legit they are .

Information :


#$HUP #HUPLIFE #NFT #ceNFTs #Blockchain

Author : @keegan

Address: 0xeBff8240FC1Ac174479812b761266a281915A74d

